In what cases are pumpkin seeds with honey used for prostatitis? Detailed recipes and use of pumpkin seeds for male diseases. Opinion about usage.
1 February 2024
What is acute prostatitis in men: characteristic symptoms and causes of inflammation. How to treat pathology: medicines, folk remedies.
14 April 2022
What is the onset of the disease, the first signs of prostatitis - acute, chronic, bacterial, non-infectious prostatitis, which may result from premature treatment.
29 March 2021
Here, in the article, many aspects of prostate therapy are revealed, how effective is the use of different methods. Questions have also been raised about new methods used by the medical profession.
28 March 2021
Everything about the disease "Prostatitis": the causes of its occurrence, the symptoms and the first signs of the disease, how it is diagnosed and methods of treatment.
28 March 2021